
# news

“Kedentransservice” JSC completed a new phase of development of the ERP-system on IRS “Transportation” basis


“Kedentransservice” JSC minimized the time of closing an accounting period, automated recognition of direct expenses that provided absolute transparence of the earning power within the accuracy of a service in each shipping.

“Kedentransservice” JSC together with specialists of “Lester IT” created uncontroversial methodology of expenditure recognition. A profound design of systems led to the addition of new accounting registers and significantly simplified the work for the department of expenditure records. An additional option of International Financial Reporting Standards support (IFRS) appeared for the company, more specifically, the possibility to reflect incurred expenses, yet not exposed ones, in the accounting records allows minimizing the time of closing an accounting period and also decreasing a taxable base.

“We received an instrument for revenue management of each shipping. As a result of this project, credible and unbiased information about expenses provided the basis for a final enterprise report. Additional possibilities for decision-making in the internal tariff policy, marketing, human resource and revenue management,” told vice-president of “Kedentransservice” JSC Yuriy Sukmanov.

IRS “Transportation” possesses wide functional capabilities of process automation, which are specific for carriers on railway lines. Additionally, it comprises instruments for container and wagon park management and also ready-made solutions of integration with information systems of two countries’ national carriers: Russian Railways JSC and “NC “Kazakhstan temir zholy” JSC. All these possibilities were used in the adoption of “Kedentransservice”. As regards a connection among IT-systems inside the company, IRS “Transportation” was integrated with an accounting system “1C: Enterprise”.

The implementation of base functionality of IRS “Transportation” happened in “Kedentransservice” JSC in 2012. Developing the project in 2013, specialists of “Lester IT” worked out a web portal for “Kedentransservice” JSC, so as to include both central office and territory divisions into a general cycle of transport and forwarding services.