
Kedentransservice JSC employees performed all 10 measures according to the «Plan for preparation of the Company’s facilities and personnel for work in the winter period of 2023-2024». Among the activities, gas boilers, chimneys, gas meters and gas correctors were inspected, gas heating systems of buildings were flushed and pressure-tested. At the same time, the need of employees for winter overalls and footwear was fully met — about 3,289 new sets of overalls were purchased.
Traditionally, special attention was paid to preparation of truck cranes, gantry cranes and hoisting equipment for work in winter conditions, maintenance of loaders and other special equipment, as well as ensuring sufficient stock of fuel and lubricants and coal, which is supplied according to the schedule to all branches of the Company.
Technical trainings on observance of safety rules during winter work were held for young railroad workers, 26 first-winter workers were assigned to experienced employees.
All responsible structural subdivisions, technical facilities and infrastructure of the Company are ready to ensure uninterrupted operation under any temperature conditions in order to provide customers and partners with quality service.